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Gout Healed


What is Gout?

Gout can be very painful. Gout is a type of arthritis that typically goes to your big toe. With gout, you have a protein metabolism problem, and you form “monosodium urate hydrate crystals”. These crystals build up in the joint, and they start creating a lot of inflammation. You’ll also have high uric acid. Both of these are undigested proteins that turn into these little crystals.

Gout is really a kidney problem. It can actually occur from eating too many cooked foods. Pre-cooked or overly cooked foods can start to destroy the function of the kidneys and liver. These are the organs that process and clean up proteins.

Inflammation is the main culprit in an acute gout attack. Fructose, high fructose corn syrup and sucrose are huge contributors to gout attacks so removing fruit, juice, alcohol are key.

Foods to Avoid

Stop consuming fructose, sucrose, fruit and fruit juice, organ meats, coffee/caffeine, cocoa, grains high glycemic carbs, seed oils, sugars(all forms), and alcohol, xylitol this change alone can potentially handle a lot of the problems with gout.


• Certain medications (like aspirin and diuretics)

• Certain vitamins (like niacin)

Tips for regulating Gout

Your pH has to be more acidic for uric acid crystals to form. So, alkalizing the body just a little bit using urine alkalization therapy can potentially give you some immediate relief from gout.

Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) is the best remedy to alkalize the urine and the #1 remedy for gout attacks. If you can’t take sodium bicarbonate, you can try using potassium citrate instead.

If you don’t like the taste of baking soda and water, you can add a little bit of potassium citrate. Pure Encapsulations also has a Magnesium Potassium blend. You can purchase on

  • Over 19 years: 3,400 milligrams/day for males and 2,600 milligrams/day for females (National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine:)

Foods to Consume



Cooked Spinach


Brussel Sprouts



Sweet Potato

Coconut Water

Assessing Your PH

Your pH level changes throughout your body. Your blood should be slightly on the alkaline side, while your stomach should be highly acidic to function properly.

Your blood pH, should be slightly alkaline. If your blood is too alkaline or too acidic, you can experience some adverse effects.

Blood pH tests can be expensive and inaccurate. It can help to look at the symptoms. Take a look at the symptoms of having blood that is too acidic or alkaline.

Symptoms indicating your pH is too acidic:

• Chest pain

• Palpitations

• Headaches

• Anxiety

• Muscle weakness

• Bone pain

• Joint pain

• Air hunger

Symptoms indicating your pH is too alkaline:

• Muscle twitches

• Allergies

• Muscle spasms

• Muscle cramps

• Muscle weakness

• Dehydration

• Muscle pain

• Difficulty breathing

If you notice that you have multiple symptoms of alkaline or acidic blood, make sure you address this with your doctor.

If you think you may have alkaline symptoms, take some apple cider vinegar and see if the symptoms go away. If you think you may have acidic symptoms, take calcium citrate or calcium magnesium and see if the symptoms go away. This may help indicate if there’s a problem.


Potassium Citrate

Magnesium Citrate

Gout Attack Remedy

Start with 1/8 teaspoon of baking soda in an 8-ounce glass of water, then increase the amount after a couple of days to 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda. After a few days, increase the amount to 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda. You can take this 1 to 3 times a day, depending on the severity of the gout attack. Space each dose out by about an hour

You can take this 1 to 3 times a day, depending on the severity of the gout attack. Space each dose out by about an hour. Always consume this on an empty stomach at least an hour before eating.

Fasting ( this reduces sugars and increases ketone production)

Month one

16:8 ~sixteen hours without food or drink/eight hours consuming 2-3 meals only (no snacks)

Day to day aim to eat in a 16:8 window. Once per week try OMAD…one meal in 24 hours…

For example stop eating Sunday at 6pm then eat on Monday at 6pm….resume 16:8

Month two

18:6 ~eighteen hours without food or drink/eight hours consuming 2 meals only (no snacks)

Day to day aim to eat in a 18:6 window. Once per week try OMAD or 36 hours…one meal in 24-36 hours…

For example stop eating Sunday at 6pm then eat on Tuesday after 6am….resume 18:6

Month three

20:4 ~twenty hours without food or drink/eight hours consuming 1-2 meals only (no snacks)

Day to day aim to eat in a 18:6 or 20:4 window. Once per week try OMAD or 48 hours…one meal in 24-48 hours…

For example stop eating Sunday at 6pm then eat on Tuesday after 6pm….resume 18:6-20:4

Going forward vary your eating windows according to your lifestyle. Some days start early to eat other days start later.


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